Revista AD – La galería Il.lacions de Barcelona, Josep Vila y cómo exponer diseño fino
Article on Aparentment’s Founder Josep Vila Capdevila exhibition at Il·lacions Gallery.
Read full article at Revista AD
Article on Aparentment’s Founder Josep Vila Capdevila exhibition at Il·lacions Gallery.
Read full article at Revista AD
Interview to Josep Vila Capdevila in Neo2 magazine presenting Vestigis collection.
Fit table featured in Selección Diariodesign.
Article on Aparentment’s new FIT table collection.
Arch table by Aparentment featured in La vanguardia selection.
A visit from a reporter from the opposite side of the world: Australia. Full report of the studio, the brand and Aparentment’s Founder and Design Director, Josep Vila Capdevila.
Read full article at Design Daily
Brique at La Rinascente – Fuori Salone.
Proud to have our Marblelous Mirror selected by Wallpaper for Milano’s Salone del mobile report.
Marblelous coffee table was selected for AD Mexico article on “contemporary essence”.
Quote: “2. Figura Ejemplar: La forma simple de la mesa Marblelous de Aparentment añadirá elegancia a tu hogar“
[Exemplary Figure: The simple form of the Marblelous table of Aparentment will add elegance to your home]
Report on Aparentment and on our founder & head designer Josep Vila. Featuring our Trapped mirror family, the Sun Mirror and Marblelous Coffee table.
Our first works featured in ROOM
We always bought les InRockuptibles magazine in our trips to France. You may imagine how surprise we we when we once saw our Marblelous Mirror published! We had no knowledge of it.
Marblelous Hex Lamp and Marblelous Ring tray
Marblelous wine holder also presented at La Rinascente [Fuori Salone]
Featuring Aparentment’s Tonburet (Carrara marble seat and wood legs) and the Marblelous Mirror, the early designs of the Marblelous collection.
Marblelous Mirror at “La Rinascente”
We are glad to announce that our Trapped Mirror is a finalist
for the Delta ADI Awards 2016. We are very excited!
A game of geometry juxtaposition in space. A round mirror trapped in a metal plate. A corner capturing a sphere. Two minimalist pieces creating a complex result. A dialogue between materials and shapes that evokes a reflection on captivity and identity. Continue reading Delta Finalist ADI Awards 2016
Marblelous Black Ring Tray was only the beginning: An astonishingly beautiful collection of black marble is going to be introduced into our marblelous collection.
Continue reading Marblelous collection goes black. Time to meet Marquina Marble
Watch de full video of the interview to Aparentment’s Founder and Design Director, Josep Vila Capdevila.
Watch here
Continue reading Fresh – room service design interview
Blue? Pink? Yellow? What is your colour?
2016 kicked off with the expansion of colors. Now all the tables and rack of the Marblelous family are available in blue, pink, yellow and white.
Aparentment’s Marblelous Hex Lamp selected for Yatzer’s Best of Milan 2015
One more year, a week after the end of MILAN DESIGN WEEK, Yatzer is ready to share a selection of projects, products, artworks and exhibitions that caught their eye between the 14 and 19 of April 2015.
This year this selection comes with good news for Aparentment. Marblelous Hex Lamp, the new table lamp by Josep Vila Capdevila, is part of Yatzer’s list.
Aparentment was awarded with the best collection RED critics’ award for Marblelous collection.
Founder and Design director, Josep Vila i Capdevila, picked up the diploma.
Continue reading RED critics award for best collection – Marblelous
For the next couple of months you can find our rings and wine holder in Barcelona designers pop-up store in la Roca.
At the ceremony of the Delta ADI awards. Tonburet jr – Finalist 2014 – Designed by Josep Vila Capdevila for Aparentment Continue reading Delta ADI Awards Ceremony 2014 – Tonburet Jr by Josep Vila Capdevila for Aparentment
Josep Vila i Capdevila was awarded with the bronze award for best publicity campaign photography: “Cambia de habitos”.
Josep Vila Capdevila created this publicity campaign for a brand clothing store in Barcelona. The campaign plays with the ambiguity of the expression of “Change habits“.
We couldn’t be more excited to start this year with a completely new website. Check our designs, new products & new projects that we’ll be adding soon. We’ll keep you posted!
Another year is starting and we’re getting everything ready to go back to Paris. Maison et Objet will be our first exhibition in 2016. We are looking forward to present our collection and the new designs for the year.
You’ll find us on the border between NOW! and scènes d’intérieur Gallery in Hall 7.
Marblelous Sun Mirror.
Marblelous Mirror at la Rinassente, Milano.